The Watchers of the Heavens Below have formed and settled on an island off of V the coast of Fort Sterling and in the bottom of the land where we call the Below is Bridgewatch where we are making investments and testing reactions. Our current goal is to become the richest guild in the area and run the market for the most part having better gear than most other people found in the wild. A group of guild members contains a head, hand, and foot... the head is the one giving orders and leads the group while the hand is the bodyguard of his or hers while the foot is the scout or errand runner who has first pick for loot but must have the best mount of the group. Whenever traveling the foot goes first and scouts ahead to make sure that the way is clear. Its easy to deliver goods within the guild and would be almost impossible to lose loot due to the way the group runs. Once enemies would be found, the foot would be the first to bait t...
.......................................................................................Roleplaying storyline for the guild "Watchers of the Heavens Below" for the game "Albion"