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Among the Yellow Capital City... Bridgewatch!

       The Watchers of the Heavens Below have formed and settled on an island off of V the coast of Fort Sterling and in the bottom of the land where we call the Below is Bridgewatch where we are making investments and testing reactions. Our current goal is to become the richest guild in the area and run the market for the most part having better gear than most other people found in the wild.
       A group of guild members contains a head, hand, and foot... the head is the one giving orders and leads the group while the hand is the bodyguard of his or hers while the foot is the scout or errand runner who has first pick for loot but must have the best mount of the group. Whenever traveling the foot goes first and scouts ahead to make sure that the way is clear. Its easy to deliver goods within the guild and would be almost impossible to lose loot due to the way the group runs. Once enemies would be found, the foot would be the first to bait them far away from the rest of the party while the hand may be a meat shield if it comes to that as the head makes sure to get to a safe spot with the loot before trapped. So long as the group plans ahead it should be nearly impossible to lose the party's loot, especially since the head always changes... sometimes on a daily basis.
       Every day the guild mailbox is kept with tasks and quests that ensure every member is able to make millions every time that they play while learning all of the necessities of the game while becoming the best PVPer that they could possibly become. Any member can do the tasks found in the guild mailbox to earn enough to have premium status in the world in just a few days at the very most along with running crafting materials to Caerlon from one of the outer cities of the Below, also called the Royal Cities.
       Goth Chick is currently the main Crone of the Fort Sterling area who delivers the knowledge of everything to the Oracle through the network of Crones and is currently staying in Bridgewatch, one of the more dangerous areas for some but safer for others. The guild watches the land and makes sure that no one has discovered magnets in fear of too many people going to the Heavens Above where our homeland is found while on the look for fallen stars.
       Everyone has lived off of a diet of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish. We have believed in the ways of the trident for many generations wary of those using fire and what they use it for. Out in the wild we have been finding cannibals who eat other people and those who have refused to seek help for being sick in the mind meet the end of our blade. We stretch towards the Sun every morning with fruit in an empty belly and then pray to the Heavens before eating every meal. Others in the Below are very dirty and careless in comparison to us and our ways. Everything that we do is sacred to us as we serve nature and respect the unknown as much as we possibly can.
       There has been word of merchants trading meat from those who are almost extinct and they need to be dealt with. Most of the caravans can be found carrying goods from Martlock and Lymhurst areas so it is good to flag up Orange in secrecy before heading out of Bridgewatch.
       There is a special meaning to everything found in nature and even every color means something to each and every one of us in a religious way. Yellow is what is found in the furthest and most dangerous areas which would now be considered the Below where we are making a living among those who may carry the Tickle more often than we would like to admit. Often we may be called to break off certain groups from traveling to the Heavens Above as they may carry the Tickle or simply not be welcome in our lands without being invited first. If they will not listen to our requests than we may be forced to come to more extreme measures.
       We constantly train for battle but do what we can to avoid conflict.
       Orange is a testing color to us and we use this to indicate that we are among the yellow testing others, looking for the chosen ones to send to the Heavens with a magnet, or those to keep out and prevent from traveling to the sky.
       Bridgewatch is considered a red area meaning it is heavily populated by people and blue is the outskirts that tend to be villages and other areas less crowded and sometimes cleaner, especially along the beaches. The violet is somewhere in between and the green is the most heavily forested areas. We do what we can to preserve the green and discreetly protest the act of eating red meat that we believe is the cause of spreading the Tickle since we do not get sick as often as they seem to. The trident is a Holy Symbol to us and is used for fishing or watching those who eat fire as they have a tendency to trying a taste of everything eventually. This is where we come in to stop them as cannibals are now appearing all over the lands and can be quite common. Many do not even try to greet us as they are hungry for our flesh.
       Daily we like to compete in the arena for a better reputation and respect in the eyes from those in the below but mostly we do it for the training we may need as living in the yellow is one of the most dangerous ways of life known to us. In the heavens there are very few people compared to in the Below and at the bottom of the world we did not find the Sun while worried for what may come for the Moon which is our home where the wolves are found at night mourning for their dead.
       The Oracle has recently sent a new-comer to Bridgewatch who set up a bunch of tests and trials for our members to better train and prepare ourselves for what the future may bring. She is known now as "Kill-Me-1st" and will not let others know of her true identity in fear of spies among us working for other guilds trying to infiltrate our alliance.
       Recently, there has been word from the Heavens about vast numbers of people headed there uninvited who seem to have a heading and known destination which frightens us. They are moving slow but steadily and we fear that it is inevitable that we will have to face them even though they may outnumber us by quite a bit. Hopefully with some luck, they will give up as it gets colder, and turn around back to where they came from.
       Some new magic has been introduced to our lands which allow people to fast-travel to the Heavens should they want to and this has made us very afraid. The spells are very powerful and it is not easy to use the gates but nonetheless the chances of our homelands being invaded increase each and every day. We are on high alert and getting ready to use one of these portals to cut off those traveling to the Heavens soon if the first meeting and negotiations fail. This time we may not be able to chase them away as we usually would with our foot leaving a lovely pattern in the snow done with the salt and pigs blood. There are far too many of them to be able to scare them so easily.
       While we wait for more word we are trying to get as many people together as possible and invite as many new people into our guild as we can so that if it comes to it, we may be able to deal with the invaders if they refuse to turn around.
       Blessings from the True Source upon you... and let it lead your way to a brighter day.


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my 999 is your 666...

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