Some men were born knowing that they are men while others questioned this and worked on proving it to other men that they were and this was where some of the cruelest acts had been committed outside of any rebellion against the Oracle as sometimes people did not care for her advice and gladly take on her "curse" in the most mocking way possible that anyone could possibly find. On the day that this happened regarding her stance against violence and beliefs that it is a sickness was one of the most scary days for all of mankind in the Heavens and in the Below in ways they may never know. One of the reasons unfortunately was discovering a tribe in the Below who had been so out of food and desperate that they had committed the terrible acts of eating other people. This was one of the greatest and most commonly used excuses to disobey her as people would mock her advice and our efforts by making claims such as the cannibal tribe having its way with all of us if it ...
.......................................................................................Roleplaying storyline for the guild "Watchers of the Heavens Below" for the game "Albion"