Some men were born knowing that they are men while others questioned this and worked on proving it to other men that they were and this was where some of the cruelest acts had been committed outside of any rebellion against the Oracle as sometimes people did not care for her advice and gladly take on her "curse" in the most mocking way possible that anyone could possibly find. On the day that this happened regarding her stance against violence and beliefs that it is a sickness was one of the most scary days for all of mankind in the Heavens and in the Below in ways they may never know. One of the reasons unfortunately was discovering a tribe in the Below who had been so out of food and desperate that they had committed the terrible acts of eating other people. This was one of the greatest and most commonly used excuses to disobey her as people would mock her advice and our efforts by making claims such as the cannibal tribe having its way with all of us if it were not for them or others who had also made a violent "mistake" against dark-skinned people of the Below in an unfair way as if placing them in the category of everyone else who has the same appearance like there was some sort of genetic flaw that went deeper than the branch which committed such heinous acts. The true intentions were to be understood and forgiven that they had committed the act of murder from killing people who were traveling to the Heavens who ignored every warning left for them along the way to turn them around and were not spooked enough from the ambush to run away as all those previously going that far would have while the foot was practicing his artwork with the salt in the snow to explain how against violence the people of the Heavens are... everyone knew that those who committed the act were changed in a way that spooked everyone even though they were sorry for what they had done. The dark-skinned who were welcomed in the Heavens and would come with the next generation of children to go through their Ring and would make an extra effort to make up for others in the Below making them appear bad in the eyes of the lost or confused but unfortunately these people were more likely to make the mistake of blaming others rather than themselves to avoid any superstitions regarding the closer relations with the cannibal family line and their own tree. This made them the most likely ones to call out attention from something another had done to possibly disrespect nature or something that would go against the brotherhood of mankind and all tribes found in the world.
But still the records and history remained and their family line had become cursed from the act of going as far with violence against another humans as they had gone against strangers coming to the Above, being the first of all mankind near the Heavens who would pick up a weapon and use it against their own species rather than lions, tigers, and bears... so their kids would be marked with an extra ankle bracelet on their right leg so that they would be tested in an extra way during the Ring to ensure that the sickness of violence did not return and that the person was still completely human regardless of their ancestors past mistakes without being willing to commit it again. The imbalance created naturally as it was unfair to the child smoothed itself out as many people never learned of certain tests if they could be harsher on the child to be on the safe side and those who did could have the unspoken pride in that their child or neighbor was able to survive a violent encounter while the person they had killed did not or the shame of hurting other families from their child's unwillingness to get along with others and understanding of why their tests and unfair selection was necessary as they witnessed for themselves the child sometimes show that the act was remembered genetically.
Any decision made by those in the Heavens who were brought the knowledge of everything below them were typically not questioned since almost every person had experienced several times in their life feeling foolish for not understanding a certain request of theirs or having any doubt with any advice that had ever been given in regards to healing or living longer among remaining human and someone worthy of keeping the Sun rising every morning or the True Source always leading to the Heavens from their love of everything stroked enough times with a metallic object in the way which created the magic of magnetic attraction. There was also a snooty pride commonly found regarding being the best behaved and deserving their spot in a place so far up in the sky than others below them that a constant competition would always exist when it came to who could be the most respectful towards nature versus those who would make the sky shout while sharing light coming from what had happened which needed to be cleaned and tears would rain down upon them... the belief in karma was very strong as people were not encouraged to take any credit for any good deeds in which they had partaken in to avoid conflict or making anyone have to experience an uncomfortable situation that would possibly arise from someone bragging or thinking that they are more deserving in some way than another who had not done the deed but also it was to have ammunition ready for any who would be foolish enough to say that they did not deserve their place in the Heavens.
The Ring was schooling for their children, a way for every culture to trade and have peaceful relations with others who spoke a different language while exchanging medicines, the most fair selection process for every child to have regarding the choice of a mate done in a way that teased them all through the entire thing which fed everyone much more in the end and made every parents job easier, rewarded every one of them so that their family shield would always belong to their neighbors, loyalty had been earned, and everyone who had obeyed an Oracle or Crone during a time of doubt would be doing the right thing beyond any way they could possibly understand on their own, taught them all of the harshest lessons to be learned while taking care of their own family without the help of any others in the cold environments found in the Above, the most non-offensive way for the women to turn down those who wanted her but were turned down by her choice and freedom to pick the one she loved the most and returned such love or perhaps the one who simply did the best in removing all twigs that were glued around their limbs when they were enrolled and could better take care of a woman and her children regardless of any disaster which could arise in the wild in their adult life, surprised them in ways that would make them always question authority while in the habit of knowing that things going on in the unknown in the top of where decisions were made would be much better than the best possible thought when it came to the reality of what was not known and where someone's mind may go when trying to analyze these things alone with the instinct of eliminating the worst possibilities first without the ability to, and most of all the Ring was for the proud parents getting more involved with others in the community and ensuring that everyone would cry and clap when a couple would finally have all of their Rings removed and a joining of hands would be made as well as enjoy watching those who "defeated" their child for the more coveted woman that was wanted or whatever while seeing and knowing how it was obviously a better fit for the one she ended up choosing while at the same time feeling part of what brought their magic together from the clever ideas the parents would come up with to test other children.
The culture in which the Watchers followed and discreetly pushed was very out-dated although they always seemed to be welcomed in the subconscious minds of others everywhere for the want of older times when evil did not exist outside of a wild animal attack or freak accidents happening to the unfortunates in which they had happened to. When it came down to things and why everything was not going the way in which everyone wanted it to go was always due to the children being the real ones in charge of everything without anyone ever really knowing this as much as they should have. People had a tendency to deny their child's capability of making mistakes or blindly following something wrong while leading others due to the superstition coming from their thinking that their child may be more special than another due to never had committed certain crimes in their entire family tree or the simple pride that every parent may have respectfully hidden from the other parents grateful for individuals and the children having those occasional surprises being something better than anyone had ever witnessed before them.
Many generations ago, the dark-skinned of the Below closer to the Sun who had the most power also did the most to impress the rest of the world while using what population those in the Heavens feared and simply wished for safe distance away from for incredible feats that no one had ever thought possible and then continuously accomplished this again with the next generation as if to rub it in some more, which eventually led to incredibly beautiful teamwork and visually pleasing rewards from the determination put into it. The families who had committed the heinous act of eating the flesh of another in their family line wore an armband as their leaders and chiefs of their tribes put them to work with the understanding that it would take several generations for cleansing to occur and for their family tree to be forgiven by the Sun who saw it all while convincing them that others had eyes in the backs of their head so that they would be more respected while looking the other way. What the Wise King of the nearest largest settlement outside of theirs suggested was that we would honor their work and sacrifice to be forgiven over everything else that we held true to this day. This process was perfected from "curing" those who had eaten the flesh of another in their family line as snooty visitors would do things such as examine the dead burial grounds, going through what was eaten in their intestinal track, and then sharing this with everyone harboring some genuine concern from living close to such people while also trying to make themselves appear as better people due to not being selected as often during previous trails through the Ring which resulted in painfully too many of the women from the Heavens turning down their most treasured gifts of all, their children and sometimes even the "best" one among them, for whatever reason that only the couple understood who chose one another as sometimes they ignored blindly what everyone else wanted for their love for each other and their own family and seemingly for no reason that anyone could understand when it really came down to it in many cases... making the parents of poorer children a lot more proud at times from their ignorance in regards to riches and having so much more added to the family in which she came from, unintentionally insulting and embarrassing the more powerful and attractive family lines.
The act which had angered the richest from the Below regarding the Ring the most was the fact that they allowed the female complete freedom and respected her choice when it came to lying during the last step and most important part of the selection process for those boys who she had lined up for her and who went through rigorous training while coveting her to have their rings removed for the chance of being selected by her while she was taught to please what would be the Father of her children in the future while shaking her goods naked in strategic ways arranged by the discreet audience of parents in places that would have the best results from the other kids, especially in regards with experimenting with one another sexually instead of waiting for their prize in which they were working for by setting up scenarios that encouraged the kids to play with themselves instead of one another while watching her as a Mermaid during one of the steps of removing their left ankle bracelet while alone and with fish oil found in the wild for the first time... typically the mermaid dressed up the most in exquisite makeup and wig was the one who felt the ugliest and did not understand the needs in which every man felt and how any of them would potentially be happy as well as satisfied with only her when there were all the others to compete with and the wig was traditionally used every time since the incident when some of the girls had to have their hair burned and cut off due to preventing the spread of lice to experience this boost of confidence after most likely crying endlessly from embarrassment and possibly self-harming thoughts.This angered some tribes, especially those who were against the use of Cattle for livestock as everyone knew one of the benefits of drinking their milk would be larger breasts that all of the boys coveted like they were still babies in the natural process of repeating this experience again but with more success compared to their parents or at least good enough to make living worth it. The last step in removing the rings, those found on the girls right arm and those found around the necks, wrists, ankles, and for some kids the arms and thighs ended with her right wrist and his left wrist... and all of them would be lined up while she had objects scattered all over the floor for her pick to choose which she had selected for her future husband beforehand proving to everyone else without any doubt that they had truly belonged together. Her pick typically knew which one that she wanted him to choose as she pleaded him to make the right pick with those longing eyes to finally have their moments alone together while presented naked in front of everyone to see, making the whole thing possible as most boys would never be willing to go through so much hard training, work, and sacrifice for the good of the people alone without a carrot to dangle before them, so to speak.
The darker-skinned complained that the boys typically went for the girls that they could see more so it was a very unfair process in regards to their girls and their potential inability to tease some boys through the whole thing by shaking her goods alone while the dumb boys fell for the most simple instincts that they had... the want for being born again as a lucky baby with plenty to have in the future with all of the first thoughts while expectations of good things actually improved their chances of a better future happening. Without much speaking about it as they did not have the heart to ruin such a beautiful selection process to witness even when their child was a bit disappointed during certain steps... they typically would only bring the boys from the Below to go through the Ring but at times had their girls with the best curves and goods to shake attend although this would possibly mean that she would end up selecting another from the Below, pressured by proving that they were just as desirable as the rest while he broke the hearts of those who wanted his abilities that the others seemed to lack in regards to being able to survive while taking care of her and all of the kids during any hardships. The rich parents typically disagreed with how they would ignore it when she obviously lied during the scenario where he is having to choose the object in order to be with her forever as a mate and did not pick the right one... these people were used to being able to buy their way through life by others from possessing such coveted resources that everyone else wanted such as silks, the strongest rope, and other things found only where they came from.They made a good argument in that the selection process should be more fair to the male who chooses the correct object that she had reserved for her own choice but seemed to completely miss the whole point that the Oracle came up with this step in the process, being a woman herself and knowing the difficulties from those who will not accept a NO for an answer. It disturbed many parents the day that she was prodded into doing the "right thing" and going along with what nature provided for her... as there had to be a reason he would be the one to choose the object in which she was currently not aware of that would better suit her for whatever needs in the future. This happened as a result of previous students who ended up a bit too depressed from being rejected to live a full and healthy life compared to the others even though she did not have to explain things to him and most people agreed that the woman should always be free to choose no matter what scenario should ever arise but everyone knew that this was typically said by the parents who had the best looking children. Eventually, the kids ended up cheating in order to be sure to end up with their pick, as everyone would have expected or not be surprised at discovering... so a vote was cast and everyone went back to having complete faith in the woman's choice with the argument winning about her being likely the longest alive in their family and therefore possibly connected to echoes in which the male could not yet understand as they knew while people slept in the future, she would be given messages in the dream world of how to live today in the best ways she could.
As the large magnificent structures had been completed out came our philosophers pushing the ways of the Trident against the act of any kind from eating from the fire as well as paranoid of what the trees would do as a result of continuously needing them to live but looking to destroy them as well. As additional parts of the Ring were added came several branches of special education developed and one of them most respected and difficult was the class who would learn to survive in the coldest area of everywhere known with the use of fire being forbidden. Since these times, legends sprawled all over regarding being spied on if they were at a campfire using it to survive through the night as people would tell stories to scare the children for fun and a good laugh. This unintentionally created a lot of the superstition which came from the Watchers and all of those who still respected the old ways and the Oracles "curses" as the term started to change into something much more unfair, protecting the pride of those eating whatever they wanted with the use of the fire, and unintentionally making it seem as if she had been intentionally causing sickness to those who ate of the flesh and would cast evil spells in places undiscovered inflicting all of the ailments seen today. This was the most hurtful rebellious act of mankind to this day as our old ways of giving all of the knowledge of the world to our oldest person to more properly warn us and survive became something people feared as they all suffered from the insanity which came from the spread of more violence self-inflicted within the same species while secrets would exist in the world for the paranoid people to protect themselves unintentionally causing everyone who cannot eliminate the worst possibilities from the lack of knowledge otherwise gained created more consideration of things never committed until they were feared first to the point of hurting others enough to encourage something out there or someone extremely young, hurt, confused, and sick to provide what they had expected.
The recent uprising of "vampire cults" was such an embarrassment that the Watchers had despised as they preferred the truth and the ways of justice from the True Source or everything natural and the Trident over what appeared to be foolish kids proud of heritage as we had unintentionally accused them of the same crimes as those who ate the flesh of man... eating red meat and the result from those lessons learned by the students who took that route within the Ring to maintain respect with the trees among humanity and ensure that the weather would continue to be on our side. The wisest among us were ashamed to know how flawed humanity truly was as people from family lines very close to the Heavens who had never before done such a thing as eat the flesh from a calf due to the superstitions from their heads size being larger and were confused as to where they came from and ended up committing acts encouraged by this youthful movement to love themselves for who they were despite the judgments from the harsh Trident teachings. Some went to the lengths of drinking raw blood rather than using the fire to cook what could be dangerous for any human being to consume as we were so new to it and these seemed to stem from the message of "we are not longer monkey anymore" or something along those lines.
Luckily, most of the participants were not really part of anything ominous or very sick found in these secret parties, while simply looking to have a good time without the rules of others who could be spying or have harsh judgements about the ways in which they loved one another and lived. Like most of the world, cutting off others from coming to the Heavens to prevent the spread from the Tickle possibly did more harm than it helped us while it became more and more difficult to accept the Ring open to all of the world again as the lighter-skinned judged and grew wary of the darker-skinned due to the lack of interactions and knowledge of how people may have changed while away.
The Oracle to many people represented slavery as not every kid had a spiritual experience going through the Ring and not every parent ended up clapping and in tears when the selection process had been completed... a society bound by rules and traditions forcing everyone else to go along with their being on top, was what those from the Heavens became known as more and more while people forgot what it was like to interact with others without the use of language and trust in ways that have been lost to the world now for a very long time.
Still we continued the same tasks as the Wise Kings and those on top in the Below by selecting the good ones who would be chosen to come visit those in the Heavens or send their children to school if they wanted to but as more time went by keeping the knowledge of magnets a secret from the general population in order to stop them all from wanting to populate our home because something that may have been understood as the richer staying richer and a way for some people to remain more important than others but due to the fear coming from all of the violent conflicts alive today throughout the Below and now being reported in several parts of the Above with the installation of these new portals, we continued to stalk the shadows and brag about being tougher than we actually were, sometimes even telling stories that were never true to veterans of war found in a way almost ashamed of the people who we were compared to what people have become.
Today, most follow the stronger leader who is powerful enough to enforce anything he wants upon others simply for the chances of living longer as the people all over the world had seemingly forgotten the nonviolent ways of the past and even sometimes we hear tales of our ancestors being as barbaric as many people today who would mindlessly pillage and rape with every excuse they had in that they were doing the right thing sometimes in complete defense... or simply known their ancestors as someone who would club the woman of choice on the head before dragging her helpless body to our cave in which we came from... infested with disease and everything that made today's survivor feel more prideful for how they are living and to be able to celebrate those brief periods of rejoice before another war or another insane conflict would arise inevitably that was completely out of our power and control... those among us in the Below or in an endangered part of the Above where most any person seen from the Below is slain by us without discussion... those who trained to live, were able to successfully have a family without having to fight for it, and who knew that no matter what they would do to prevent it or plan ahead, another conflict would arise and yet again, another need for men to shed their blood upon the ground... until enough blood has been spilled to make up for all that humanity has taken from the soil... to make up for chasing something that would only destroy everything that it came across for warmth and the laziness which came from not having to work as hard because of it... and in the shadows, the Watchers who are now known as sort of pirates in the Below or feared as if some sort of rabid animal in the wild had their rituals of being forgiven for the blood that they had spilled as they had joined the rest of humanity... leaving swords crossed symbolizing the want for change and the regret for the invention of everything metallic... maybe someday in the future someone will be recognized who we were and know that we will always be very sorry for the beautiful culture that once was but was lost due to men trying to prove that they are okay or from the fear of the unknown and not being able to eliminate the worst possibilities because someone feels the need to keep secrets or understandably no longer trusts all of their neighbors... remember us as we were in our hearts as we bury crossed sword that are bent with prayers that nothing more dangerous is ever invented again!
The riddles and initiation for our guild have been perfected and is something keeping us focused on what is good while finding ways to enjoy living among those who no longer seem to care for any of it... stopping the spread of the Tickle is seemingly hopeless due to the amount of people and power which came from using our own scare tactics against us that we had used to get others to follow for so many generations previously.
Every person who joins us as a Watcher of the Heavens Below now has the daunting tasks of taking care of those with malicious intent constantly thanks to the Portals making it so much easier for them and our inability to stop the future and stop what is coming... to stop what is inevitably coming on its way if we do not learn from our mistakes, refuse to blame ourselves for everything, and use history or religion as nothing more than something to justify us today and make us feel righteous when otherwise we would have been ashamed for how are live today.
People are ignoring everything which came from our culture respecting our food as an equal and are more likely to spend time judging those with darker skin instead of remembering when their highest King of the Sun choose his red line to be merely an insect... something that he considered his equal that he was no better than...
Weird things are happening while people who had survived the Tickle lived... an ignorance as if the True Source itself had selected humanity to be eliminated from all of the lands forever... they are doing the opposite of what would be seen as good signs such as the judgement of our pentagram symbol, everything seemingly reversed from people so blind and ignorant, as an upside star became something feared when all of us had always feared the right side up one the most and our methods in which sacrificing the food that would make it to our plate was respected enough in nature.

What has become of us and will the others ever wake up who seem like zombies of some sort in comparison of those from the cleaner lands who had not been infected by the same ailments? Something needed to be done drastically to return the Ring to the people without forcing anyone into anything unwanted but we were unable to... for the education that we used to have and the communities working together and every married couple remembering that every single person had cried when they had joined, regardless if they were a man or a woman... that school was more about the tools created on the spot that worked rather than going what is by the book and being taught that all answers should come from others instead of ourselves... and no one had anything to prove back then other than that they could respect nature and use it in order to survive out in the wild as an adult.
The day that the drum became a war drum was sad but not as bad as the day that the drum used for drawing circles in the sand with 666s became a shield...
Never before had anyone predicted or could have predicted how ignorant the people of the future would be once they found out that we had been intentionally marking them for the act of eating a bird... from every source we know and everything studied or learned through every source points to things such as the birds being here closer to the sky first!
For now, we are something like angels who have their wings but no longer exist in Heaven where everyone is united in the end... these sad times do have hope though as light may be found in even the darkest of all tunnels so long as we have the courage to open the scariest and most painful doors and accept all of the responsibility which comes from being human and knowing that we should be blaming ourselves for everything that is not wanted instead of the childish act of blaming others to get the attention and responsibility off of ourselves... why must our neighbors choose to give us a harder time for the ways in which we live for being different or having to take care of ourselves rather than support the killing machine... to hide the crimes that they commit in their own homes daily that they know inside are very real compared to what most refer to now as dumb inferiors that knew nothing and were very unsophisticated living in caves... but the only real caves we had ever living in the most are homes built from what we have taken from everything natural without asking or remembering what our holidays were even there for... most of the world simply aware THAT THEY ARE LUCKY COMPARED TO OTHERS... the Watchers have always been too polite to bring anything that we disapproved of to their attention for the most part and these witch-hunts with outrageous accusations and misunderstandings or things taken way out of proportion because of what comes from the social media funded by this Henry the Bald trying to take us down before admitting that he could be wrong...
Now that the Watchers of the Heavens Below have been targeted as heartless cruel witches we found the real purpose for this as Henry the Bald started a company involving a very important discovery... magnets and how to navigate the seas better for more opportunities of going into another completely new land to reap it for everything it has without sowing anything!
They came with endless ships as we believed that they were coming through the portals built merely as a distraction while they would take our homeland from us from the sea and without the 999 that always came with peace like their ancestors... and now the Above has become so dangerous from everything they had conquered for their own image that the Watchers fear every time we enter and are prepared to fight to the death... previous settlements have been lost and smoke filled the skies everywhere for as far as our birds could scan... meaning EVERYWHERE!
The days of security and their false insane vengeance are gone while they fought an invisible foe... but now it is time to take back what was ours!
Most Wise Kings of the land are surrounded by others they do not trust and discreetly support us in our effort to fix everything broken but cannot be caught as their drink could be poisoned as they are controlled once again like the ones forced to witness the day the Heavens of our ancestors were lost! Without hesitation... they have aided us with their contacts to improve our network and actually pay up to one million silver for every single person willing to pick up a sword, accept that change has happened and that the sword may someday be out-matched by something greater, get rid of the pigs from his wing, and take back as much of our home as we possibly can while unable to go on in any other way knowing the faces of the coveted women who would be forced to take in unwanted men among several other things... many of us are so driven in our future for taking back the Above that every time we rest some and calm down we become ill and puke... knowing that every moment is yet another one that could be forced upon the last of humanity's innocence...

Any decision made by those in the Heavens who were brought the knowledge of everything below them were typically not questioned since almost every person had experienced several times in their life feeling foolish for not understanding a certain request of theirs or having any doubt with any advice that had ever been given in regards to healing or living longer among remaining human and someone worthy of keeping the Sun rising every morning or the True Source always leading to the Heavens from their love of everything stroked enough times with a metallic object in the way which created the magic of magnetic attraction. There was also a snooty pride commonly found regarding being the best behaved and deserving their spot in a place so far up in the sky than others below them that a constant competition would always exist when it came to who could be the most respectful towards nature versus those who would make the sky shout while sharing light coming from what had happened which needed to be cleaned and tears would rain down upon them... the belief in karma was very strong as people were not encouraged to take any credit for any good deeds in which they had partaken in to avoid conflict or making anyone have to experience an uncomfortable situation that would possibly arise from someone bragging or thinking that they are more deserving in some way than another who had not done the deed but also it was to have ammunition ready for any who would be foolish enough to say that they did not deserve their place in the Heavens.
The Ring was schooling for their children, a way for every culture to trade and have peaceful relations with others who spoke a different language while exchanging medicines, the most fair selection process for every child to have regarding the choice of a mate done in a way that teased them all through the entire thing which fed everyone much more in the end and made every parents job easier, rewarded every one of them so that their family shield would always belong to their neighbors, loyalty had been earned, and everyone who had obeyed an Oracle or Crone during a time of doubt would be doing the right thing beyond any way they could possibly understand on their own, taught them all of the harshest lessons to be learned while taking care of their own family without the help of any others in the cold environments found in the Above, the most non-offensive way for the women to turn down those who wanted her but were turned down by her choice and freedom to pick the one she loved the most and returned such love or perhaps the one who simply did the best in removing all twigs that were glued around their limbs when they were enrolled and could better take care of a woman and her children regardless of any disaster which could arise in the wild in their adult life, surprised them in ways that would make them always question authority while in the habit of knowing that things going on in the unknown in the top of where decisions were made would be much better than the best possible thought when it came to the reality of what was not known and where someone's mind may go when trying to analyze these things alone with the instinct of eliminating the worst possibilities first without the ability to, and most of all the Ring was for the proud parents getting more involved with others in the community and ensuring that everyone would cry and clap when a couple would finally have all of their Rings removed and a joining of hands would be made as well as enjoy watching those who "defeated" their child for the more coveted woman that was wanted or whatever while seeing and knowing how it was obviously a better fit for the one she ended up choosing while at the same time feeling part of what brought their magic together from the clever ideas the parents would come up with to test other children.
The culture in which the Watchers followed and discreetly pushed was very out-dated although they always seemed to be welcomed in the subconscious minds of others everywhere for the want of older times when evil did not exist outside of a wild animal attack or freak accidents happening to the unfortunates in which they had happened to. When it came down to things and why everything was not going the way in which everyone wanted it to go was always due to the children being the real ones in charge of everything without anyone ever really knowing this as much as they should have. People had a tendency to deny their child's capability of making mistakes or blindly following something wrong while leading others due to the superstition coming from their thinking that their child may be more special than another due to never had committed certain crimes in their entire family tree or the simple pride that every parent may have respectfully hidden from the other parents grateful for individuals and the children having those occasional surprises being something better than anyone had ever witnessed before them.
Many generations ago, the dark-skinned of the Below closer to the Sun who had the most power also did the most to impress the rest of the world while using what population those in the Heavens feared and simply wished for safe distance away from for incredible feats that no one had ever thought possible and then continuously accomplished this again with the next generation as if to rub it in some more, which eventually led to incredibly beautiful teamwork and visually pleasing rewards from the determination put into it. The families who had committed the heinous act of eating the flesh of another in their family line wore an armband as their leaders and chiefs of their tribes put them to work with the understanding that it would take several generations for cleansing to occur and for their family tree to be forgiven by the Sun who saw it all while convincing them that others had eyes in the backs of their head so that they would be more respected while looking the other way. What the Wise King of the nearest largest settlement outside of theirs suggested was that we would honor their work and sacrifice to be forgiven over everything else that we held true to this day. This process was perfected from "curing" those who had eaten the flesh of another in their family line as snooty visitors would do things such as examine the dead burial grounds, going through what was eaten in their intestinal track, and then sharing this with everyone harboring some genuine concern from living close to such people while also trying to make themselves appear as better people due to not being selected as often during previous trails through the Ring which resulted in painfully too many of the women from the Heavens turning down their most treasured gifts of all, their children and sometimes even the "best" one among them, for whatever reason that only the couple understood who chose one another as sometimes they ignored blindly what everyone else wanted for their love for each other and their own family and seemingly for no reason that anyone could understand when it really came down to it in many cases... making the parents of poorer children a lot more proud at times from their ignorance in regards to riches and having so much more added to the family in which she came from, unintentionally insulting and embarrassing the more powerful and attractive family lines.

The darker-skinned complained that the boys typically went for the girls that they could see more so it was a very unfair process in regards to their girls and their potential inability to tease some boys through the whole thing by shaking her goods alone while the dumb boys fell for the most simple instincts that they had... the want for being born again as a lucky baby with plenty to have in the future with all of the first thoughts while expectations of good things actually improved their chances of a better future happening. Without much speaking about it as they did not have the heart to ruin such a beautiful selection process to witness even when their child was a bit disappointed during certain steps... they typically would only bring the boys from the Below to go through the Ring but at times had their girls with the best curves and goods to shake attend although this would possibly mean that she would end up selecting another from the Below, pressured by proving that they were just as desirable as the rest while he broke the hearts of those who wanted his abilities that the others seemed to lack in regards to being able to survive while taking care of her and all of the kids during any hardships. The rich parents typically disagreed with how they would ignore it when she obviously lied during the scenario where he is having to choose the object in order to be with her forever as a mate and did not pick the right one... these people were used to being able to buy their way through life by others from possessing such coveted resources that everyone else wanted such as silks, the strongest rope, and other things found only where they came from.They made a good argument in that the selection process should be more fair to the male who chooses the correct object that she had reserved for her own choice but seemed to completely miss the whole point that the Oracle came up with this step in the process, being a woman herself and knowing the difficulties from those who will not accept a NO for an answer. It disturbed many parents the day that she was prodded into doing the "right thing" and going along with what nature provided for her... as there had to be a reason he would be the one to choose the object in which she was currently not aware of that would better suit her for whatever needs in the future. This happened as a result of previous students who ended up a bit too depressed from being rejected to live a full and healthy life compared to the others even though she did not have to explain things to him and most people agreed that the woman should always be free to choose no matter what scenario should ever arise but everyone knew that this was typically said by the parents who had the best looking children. Eventually, the kids ended up cheating in order to be sure to end up with their pick, as everyone would have expected or not be surprised at discovering... so a vote was cast and everyone went back to having complete faith in the woman's choice with the argument winning about her being likely the longest alive in their family and therefore possibly connected to echoes in which the male could not yet understand as they knew while people slept in the future, she would be given messages in the dream world of how to live today in the best ways she could.
As the large magnificent structures had been completed out came our philosophers pushing the ways of the Trident against the act of any kind from eating from the fire as well as paranoid of what the trees would do as a result of continuously needing them to live but looking to destroy them as well. As additional parts of the Ring were added came several branches of special education developed and one of them most respected and difficult was the class who would learn to survive in the coldest area of everywhere known with the use of fire being forbidden. Since these times, legends sprawled all over regarding being spied on if they were at a campfire using it to survive through the night as people would tell stories to scare the children for fun and a good laugh. This unintentionally created a lot of the superstition which came from the Watchers and all of those who still respected the old ways and the Oracles "curses" as the term started to change into something much more unfair, protecting the pride of those eating whatever they wanted with the use of the fire, and unintentionally making it seem as if she had been intentionally causing sickness to those who ate of the flesh and would cast evil spells in places undiscovered inflicting all of the ailments seen today. This was the most hurtful rebellious act of mankind to this day as our old ways of giving all of the knowledge of the world to our oldest person to more properly warn us and survive became something people feared as they all suffered from the insanity which came from the spread of more violence self-inflicted within the same species while secrets would exist in the world for the paranoid people to protect themselves unintentionally causing everyone who cannot eliminate the worst possibilities from the lack of knowledge otherwise gained created more consideration of things never committed until they were feared first to the point of hurting others enough to encourage something out there or someone extremely young, hurt, confused, and sick to provide what they had expected.
The recent uprising of "vampire cults" was such an embarrassment that the Watchers had despised as they preferred the truth and the ways of justice from the True Source or everything natural and the Trident over what appeared to be foolish kids proud of heritage as we had unintentionally accused them of the same crimes as those who ate the flesh of man... eating red meat and the result from those lessons learned by the students who took that route within the Ring to maintain respect with the trees among humanity and ensure that the weather would continue to be on our side. The wisest among us were ashamed to know how flawed humanity truly was as people from family lines very close to the Heavens who had never before done such a thing as eat the flesh from a calf due to the superstitions from their heads size being larger and were confused as to where they came from and ended up committing acts encouraged by this youthful movement to love themselves for who they were despite the judgments from the harsh Trident teachings. Some went to the lengths of drinking raw blood rather than using the fire to cook what could be dangerous for any human being to consume as we were so new to it and these seemed to stem from the message of "we are not longer monkey anymore" or something along those lines.
Luckily, most of the participants were not really part of anything ominous or very sick found in these secret parties, while simply looking to have a good time without the rules of others who could be spying or have harsh judgements about the ways in which they loved one another and lived. Like most of the world, cutting off others from coming to the Heavens to prevent the spread from the Tickle possibly did more harm than it helped us while it became more and more difficult to accept the Ring open to all of the world again as the lighter-skinned judged and grew wary of the darker-skinned due to the lack of interactions and knowledge of how people may have changed while away.
The Oracle to many people represented slavery as not every kid had a spiritual experience going through the Ring and not every parent ended up clapping and in tears when the selection process had been completed... a society bound by rules and traditions forcing everyone else to go along with their being on top, was what those from the Heavens became known as more and more while people forgot what it was like to interact with others without the use of language and trust in ways that have been lost to the world now for a very long time.
Still we continued the same tasks as the Wise Kings and those on top in the Below by selecting the good ones who would be chosen to come visit those in the Heavens or send their children to school if they wanted to but as more time went by keeping the knowledge of magnets a secret from the general population in order to stop them all from wanting to populate our home because something that may have been understood as the richer staying richer and a way for some people to remain more important than others but due to the fear coming from all of the violent conflicts alive today throughout the Below and now being reported in several parts of the Above with the installation of these new portals, we continued to stalk the shadows and brag about being tougher than we actually were, sometimes even telling stories that were never true to veterans of war found in a way almost ashamed of the people who we were compared to what people have become.

The riddles and initiation for our guild have been perfected and is something keeping us focused on what is good while finding ways to enjoy living among those who no longer seem to care for any of it... stopping the spread of the Tickle is seemingly hopeless due to the amount of people and power which came from using our own scare tactics against us that we had used to get others to follow for so many generations previously.

People are ignoring everything which came from our culture respecting our food as an equal and are more likely to spend time judging those with darker skin instead of remembering when their highest King of the Sun choose his red line to be merely an insect... something that he considered his equal that he was no better than...
Weird things are happening while people who had survived the Tickle lived... an ignorance as if the True Source itself had selected humanity to be eliminated from all of the lands forever... they are doing the opposite of what would be seen as good signs such as the judgement of our pentagram symbol, everything seemingly reversed from people so blind and ignorant, as an upside star became something feared when all of us had always feared the right side up one the most and our methods in which sacrificing the food that would make it to our plate was respected enough in nature.

The day that the drum became a war drum was sad but not as bad as the day that the drum used for drawing circles in the sand with 666s became a shield...
Never before had anyone predicted or could have predicted how ignorant the people of the future would be once they found out that we had been intentionally marking them for the act of eating a bird... from every source we know and everything studied or learned through every source points to things such as the birds being here closer to the sky first!

Now that the Watchers of the Heavens Below have been targeted as heartless cruel witches we found the real purpose for this as Henry the Bald started a company involving a very important discovery... magnets and how to navigate the seas better for more opportunities of going into another completely new land to reap it for everything it has without sowing anything!

The days of security and their false insane vengeance are gone while they fought an invisible foe... but now it is time to take back what was ours!

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