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The Watchers Headquarters

       Off of the coast of Fort Sterling in between the Above and the Below... the Watchers of the Heavens Above have occupied a very small island and build their headquarters on it from scratch, shipping the blocks all the way from Bridgewatch as the return rate for refining materials made it cheaper from there.
       Those in Bridgewatch were able to contact the son of the Fort Sterling Vampire and set up a discreet meeting with him after determining that he was not part of anything of malicious intent. He agreed to help us uncover more of the operation in the future should we ever need him for anything while his wife made some very tasty biscuits. He had also given us a few suspicious people's description in the Caerlon and Fort Sterling area who are very active within the cult and have previously given him very bad vibes.
       Goth Chick, someone who hides her real name from fear of someone getting to some of her cousins who live in the below, is the lead Crone of the Fort Sterling area and also the youngest one possibly in the entire world! She has a deep rooted hatred toward people, especially men, and tends to throw people off sometimes who wonder if she is really a man from her demeanor. She was banished from the Heavens Above due to not being able to have a child so has been cursed to live in the Below with the Watchers there before her. Due to superstitions, she was not to spread any of the sickness or whatever that had caused the inability to have children, doomed to live among what is known as the Orange which is a sort of testing ground for the Yellow which signifies the most distant parts of the Heavens in the Below.

       Bridgewatch was the furthest city in the yellow known to exist and its been tradition for many generations to find good ones in the yellow to welcome them in the Heavens as guests of honor and those who have already been there like to send their kids to the Heavens to go through the Ring for arranged marriages and tougher schooling who are later returned home, more capable of taking over when their parents are gone.

       In the bars GothChick sang songs of woe that were extremely sad which were asking why she would be doomed to have no children and while living in bars, she has developed a hatred for men and sex altogether, having caught and dealt with too many rapists among other things more commonly found in the Below.
       When she joined the Watchers she found her true calling as she knew she would never become a Mother so wanted to be there to risk her neck in combat so that someone else is saved. She practiced her whole life in shooting things with her crossbow, practicing techniques of every type in every armor, and has trained in every weapon that was known to exist.
       With the final shipping of blocks for awhile being sent to the island, she hitched a ride and took most of her personals from Bridgewatch and decided to settle in Fort Sterling due to word of magical portals being created there with magical properties. These portals mark the Heavens a target much more than anything else but we were unable to stop them as it would involve revealing what was there in the Heavens which we were hiding. Most of the Watchers from all over in the Below are being called to report in at the island where the headquarters can be found, and setup living quarters in Fort Sterling as well.
       Magic has been stronger than it has ever been and in every Royal City, some magicians have even discovered the power to be able to bring another back from the dead! Some Watchers have learned this ability as well so have been marking runes and performing rituals taking part in making an area where someone would be resurrected in the event of dying somewhere in the world.
       During the next few days, the Watchers will be moving to Fort Sterling from all over the Below for our main secret base and in the city itself, a hideout was created for underground parties, speakeasy entertainment, illegal market, and information gathering involving their movement. Due to the government's inability or willingness to assist in putting a stop to things such as animals being caged all their life only to be eaten while starving and mistreated, they have decided to take things into their own hands, while working with certain government officials on getting a higher seat in the office.
       On the guild island the Watchers spent a lot of time making everything look nice, installing statues, trees, and rock sidewalks everywhere. The blackmarket of Fort Sterling and Caerlon is one of the most important things to be a part of due to the amount of thugs, crime, trade, and sickness between those two cities.

       GothChick will be riding out to every crossroads area where the villages meet near the shores of the Below to recruit more Watchers into the guild and get them started with a vision quest for our Oracle as she becomes a Seer for them from far away and also get them marked with runes and a ceremony for being resurrected to the designated spot we will spend a week marking with our magic.
       Recently a tournament had been installed at our island as we will be having regular training practices and matches for rewards and experience. Several things have been setup for each and every member of the Watchers by the Crones and Oracle as they developed riddles and a way to train them to become their full capacity to the best of our ability.

       Wise Kings from all over the Below who have kept the magnet a secret for us among other things for many generations and centuries now, have offered to donate to our cause regularly, for rewards which will be passed down to each and every watcher. Gold and items of the best quality among many other things will be available to the Watchers more than most people but still some competition will definitely always be on the rise.
       Although small and outnumbered, the Watchers of the Heavens Below has a spooky amount of luck on their side as well as magic and nature leaning towards their assistance constantly in the unknown.
       The last few days, the squirrels, birds, and even rodents of the major city more traditionally referred to as a Fort, have been interacting with the new arrives to the city joining the Watchers and GothChick, learning how to speak, code, and spy for them as many residents remain so stubborn, blind, dumb, and sick they are clueless to the intelligence of the animals among many other things.


my 999 is your 666...

Crone of Mountain Cross

       Near Fort Sterling, there have been markets recently rising that have insulted the Oracle and ignored her warnings which are known to us as a curse because she is never wrong. Despite her order not to eat bird anymore people have been not only doing so but spreading the Tickle as well. The Watchers of the Below have been ordered to take care of this problem to investigate further into why they would so blindly ignore such warnings.        After attending a feast in Mountain Cross where the people are cold and would be starving otherwise they have prepared a special feast for everyone as some of us were invited to attend. We stayed quiet and watched as they seemed to know why we were present and what we wanted.        A new Clan of the area has recently taken the Shield of the Cock instead of the Drum and they are trying to prove that the Tickle spreading sickness may be prevented from the increase of respect toward the...

Among the Yellow Capital City... Bridgewatch!

       The Watchers of the Heavens Below have formed and settled on an island off of V the coast of Fort Sterling and in the bottom of the land where we call the Below is Bridgewatch where we are making investments and testing reactions. Our current goal is to become the richest guild in the area and run the market for the most part having better gear than most other people found in the wild.        A group of guild members contains a head, hand, and foot... the head is the one giving orders and leads the group while the hand is the bodyguard of his or hers while the foot is the scout or errand runner who has first pick for loot but must have the best mount of the group. Whenever traveling the foot goes first and scouts ahead to make sure that the way is clear. Its easy to deliver goods within the guild and would be almost impossible to lose loot due to the way the group runs. Once enemies would be found, the foot would be the first to bait t...

Creation of the Heavens Above

       Our ancestors tribe was small at first... until everything changed one day when something fell from the sky right down in front of us. When it dried up they had their very first encounter with metallic fragments. These were believed to be magical as they had come from the sky and they made better weapons and tools than the bones of our kin which we were used to using previously.        The fragments were passed down generation to generation and rituals were developed to ask the fragment for insight about the weather. For a long time our ancestors would use them to pray for rain when we needed it or for any change in the weather.          Some of the fragments were used as sewing needles when they had been used down or broken into smaller pieces and it was these fragments that first changed the way that we would view the land forever. To wash the blood off while sewing up leather outfits the needles would be place...