In the dregs of Fort Sterling, the back alleys, shady streets, nightclubs, and whorehouses the city life for the thug was easy and almost encouraged by all of the laws pushing many citizens into a corner where they feel forced to fend for themselves by organizing "crime" to defend themselves. The city has ridiculous laws regarding drugs and the lack of rights to educate people has even tempted kids to get into a lifestyle of smuggling stolen goods or illegal substances.

The Watchers of the Heavens Below has crooked politicians that have successfully made hemp illegal so that we could raise the price of our hemp and temp more people into helping our "illegal" network much easier as they are much more willing to look the other way to protect us and also opens up more opportunities for contacts and networking since so many people are willing to use hash or do not mind others using it. Its sad to see people locked up for it so we have made sure to have lawyers to get out those who are on our side who are arrested for anything related to hemp.

To stop this, the gangsters decided to form an alliance for temporary guarantee to ensure control over the city indefinitely. The night was called Daggerfall... it was then that they killed all of the major threats and all of those good citizens who just wanted to walk down the street without being robbed... Daggerfall took out everyone of threat in one night of assassinations galore all over the city. The Watchers were luckily considered to be neutral and so were not a threat but have considered the act something very saddening for the future of the city and forever losing the original citizens that were kind enough to allow neighbors to move in and share... but they never suspected that the city would be taken over so easily simply from something as simple as making hemp among other substances illegal.
Since then, gangs have run Fort Sterling... and citizens or those passing through who decide to find out the truth of what is going on politically or whatever in the underground quickly discover that the entire city has been overrun by gangs and criminals alike. The only upside to all of this has been our speakeasy making a lot of money as well as our market of illegal goods.

Not much has been done to make any changes regarding this city but some people have been stopped or assassinated who refused to make sure that their stock was cage-free among other abusive practices as ordered by the Oracle of the Heavens Above.

There have been rumors of a politician who have caught onto our little scheme and is trying to change the laws for legalization so that the crime is reduced as things have been getting out of hand lately due to it... the Watchers agreed since they have noticed children being effected and know that it has created a lot more crime as its impossible to stop people from getting it while it opens the doors for users to commit other crimes as they have been labeled as someone who commits them already. Unfortunately, too many other major gangsters have funded the opposing side, not willing to do such a thing as the weed prices would drop dramatically and they would lose a lot of their money and stocks. Cattle and lamb are often the livestock that the rich people invest in as they have had the best resources to sell or stock for emergencies.
Many of the townspeople who were original citizens before all of the thugs and gangs moved in turning their streets into dangerous circuses of sorts... and they have been gathering in secret meetings regarding taking back their humble city from the crooks illegally running everything... and as a few days went by with their hard work and dedication, it was apparent that they would inevitably get their way and be running everything again with the legalization of substances among other tricks to secure the pouch hanging freely out in the open and reduce other crime as well.

The Watchers have been growing a small army to take back what has been lost in the Heavens as word came back that foreigners have taken over pretty much everything! Much like the citizens of Fort Sterling, the Watchers have been forced to stay in the shadows while building their teams in order to get more power and someday do something about it.
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